(I have the word they in quotes because for me it means the majority of people, but when my mom says they, she usually means Oprah, ie "you know what they say about that new diet...etc.")I feel like just yesterday I arrived in Seattle, and already I am getting used to the very things that drew me here in the first place-- the mountains, the water, and the nature all around me-- I walked down to Ballard a few days ago (Ballard is a great little part of town on a shipping canal and happens to be where I live right now) and as I was approaching the water while walking down towards the main street, I didn't even notice the fishing boats or the snow capped mountains in the background. It took a few moments for me to realize what had happened... "I live in Seattle now...", I said to myself, "and am getting used to it" I was reminded of the feeling I had while I was living in Rome 6 years ago. It doesn't matter if the Pantheon is in your back yard, or the most beautiful mountains, water, and natural landscape- in time we all get used to things and tend to take them for granted if we don't constantly remind ourselves not to. It is a hard reality to grasp, so Im trying my best to overcome it by thinking about where I am more often and getting outside as much as possible.
I will say, Seattle is certainly growing on me. The people here are great, and there are just SO many things to do that are in such close proximity to the city it is impossible to get bored. Seattle has one of the most magnificent park networks of any city I've visited in the world. There must be 100+ parks, some with the most breath taking views you have ever seen, some with beaches where you can swim, some with just a few swing sets in the middle of the city, and everything else in between. The great thing is that they are accessible, rarely full of people, and you can visit a different one every day for a run, a hike, some beach time, some amazing views- and it just doesn't seem to get old. I wish I could post one picture from each park I've been to, but I don't think it is really possible to capture the feeling effectively in a single photograph and I already have 115 to share, so Ill save Seattle's parks for another time.
Even better yet- Seattle sits between the Cascade mountain range, and the Olympic peninsula, so in just a few hours time you can also access some of the best hiking, camping, kayaking... you name it, and it is close. A few weekends back when my friend Joe was here visiting, we put my car on the ferry to Bainbridge Island, then drove out to the Olympics. In 3 hours we had passed through Forks (the town where Twilight takes place) and were in the Hoh Rainforest. A short distance from there and we were on some of the most amazing beaches- covered in layers of fog.
Long story short, I just cant get enough of all there is to do and see out here. Though I will say, if the outdoors isn't your thing, maybe Seattle isn't quite as great as I make it out to be. But if you like being outside, boats, hiking, biking, running, camping, climbing, etc... this is your city for sure.
On to more practical things. I have not yet found work, but I'm not yet willing to settle for something less than perfect. I've met some amazing people in my field and am doing all I can to get a job working with them, or with other companies that they have referred me to. Finding work can be a slow process, but hopefully, in time, I will find a position that makes me happy.
In the meantime, Ive been focusing most of my energy towards my photography class, which has been out of this world! There are 12 of us in the class- ranging in age from mid 20's to 50's, all of which are fun, energetic, and super creative people. Im making some great friends in the class and really having a blast working on our projects. Some of my work is up in the gallery below...
There are 115 pictures to go through, but I think they are worth checking out if you have the time.
Thanks for reading and I hope you are all doing well. Hopefully Ill have another update in the next few weeks.
(click the play button below, then click the info tab- i tried putting a title on each picture so you know what you are looking at...)