Im 28. Scary, I know. This picture is reminiscent of the many years my grandfather would tell me to smell the cake AND I WOULD BELIEVE HIM... well, Beansie (Art) got me this year with a swift tap on the shoulder- when I turned to see what he wanted he was waiting with a spatula.
There is a lot to talk about this week but the biggest news is that I'm out of here in just 5 days. Right as Im getting used to life here in the Mid West, with their char-dogs and pop, it is time to uproot and get back on the road.

Unfortunately, despite our hard work and best attempt at planning, it seems the bathroom won't be done in time. Joe really wants to make sure the project is at least mostly done before he leaves so he is going to stick around to see it through and Im going to hit the road solo. At first I was pretty bummed out about it, mainly because I feel like a trip like this is meant to be taken with a co-pilot/ best friend, but after letting it settle for a while I've come to accept it and embrace it for what it is. Ill just have to be a bit more careful and stop when im tired. But I think alone will be good for me- after all, Joe and I have been each others only friend, housemate, workmate, gym mate- for the past two months, a break is probably a good idea anyway.
His plan is to meet me in LA by the 23rd and then head up the coast with me from there, so Im hoping that his plan works out and he can at least join me from LA to Seattle.

So friday was my 28th birthday. It was a fantastic day that started with signs all over the house wishing me a happy birthday from donna and ended with me getting a ride to the bar on the back of a harley with a guy who has tattoos all over his head.
Part one of my day was great- I slept late, didnt do any work, got my haircut at 1030 (compliments of Donna) then came home and waited for the big surprise to arrive (the pizza) went to the store to pick up a few things then when I came back it was about 4pm... Donna and Kaitlin were having a beer and told me to come join them and it just so happened the our painter/drywall guy, Dave, was leaving at the same time. This guy is probably the funniest character Ive met in a long time. He has told us some stories that are just out of this world like how he used to throw bricks at his sister for fun, or how his wife has tried to kill him and resultantly sent him to the hospital with stab wounds... He also has a half mexican brother who has been shot several times and been in and out of jail... did i mention his mom was shot in the head during a drive by shooting? (dont worry- she survived it, she took him to red lobster last year for his birthday and they sang to him) Anyway, despite the crazy stories dave is a great guy and is super nice and an excellent painter. We've become buds since we are both working on this project so when I said i was walking to the bar, he offered to give me a lift... with one caveat..."dont put ur hands around me, just sit back there and be cool" so I, wearing navy blue boat shoes and a blue polo shirt tucked into my jeans, WITHOUT a helmet, get on the back of a harley with a dude who weighs about 300 pounds and has tatoos all over his bald head with a leather bandanna on and a leather harley vest... It was quite the site. He took me a total of about 3 blocks, through a neighborhood, (which is the only reason i got on without a helmet, despite their stupid laws here that dont require you to wear one) but it was hysterical to see these upper crust white people walking around and seeing me on this bike- they almost all did a double take. I only wish someone had been prepared with a camera... the only pictures I can share were taken from my phone, i shot one of dave right after he dropped me off, look at that character...
My mind is beginning to feel a bit cluttered this week (you can always tell how things are going in my head based on the appearance of my desk ). My job with Tenacity officially ended on the 31st which means that after I leave Illinois, I wont be receiving another paycheck until I find my next job... and I truthfully have no clue what that job will entail but it is looking more and more like the alaskan summer is going to fall through so Im guessing it will be something in Seattle...perhaps at REI? a bar/ restaurant? photographer? Architecture firm? Underwear salesman? Who knows, I just hope my meager savings lasts me until then. With the end of the job also came the end of health insurance, so this week I have to figure that out so I dont hit the road uninsured... This is pretty confusing stuff.
So, by this friday evening I will have packed my things, prepped the car, and by saturday morning Ill be heading out. Im a bit worried about my stuff when I stop in at places overnight. Not at friends houses but at hotels and camp sites. Do you think I should be? I mean, are people out to rob you in Keystone South Dakota? Hope not. I have also revised my itinerary a bit, which now includes another stop in Minneapolis Minnesota! My good friend Matt Scalo, from Monroe, lives out there now so Ill be stopping in to see him and meet his wife.
Once I hit the road there will be two weeks of interesting pictures, followed by a stop in LA, then another 2-3 weeks of interesting pictures as I travel up the left coast- I cant believe it is about to begin.
(SIDE NOTE: Be sure to check out my facebook page once in a while... I find that it is sometimes easier to snap a quick pic with my phone and upload it right away than to wait so I plan on posting some stuff along the way)
Wish me luck.
here are some pics from the week with the usual updates.
This is the cast iron slipper tub... it weighed about 400lbs, between four of us and a dolly with a strap on it, we were able to get it upstairs without too much of an issue.
My beautiful Birthday Cake!

One of the signs... that Joe got his hands on...

The big surprise pizza... for those of you who didnt see it on facebook- my mom had two REAL NY pizza's shipped fresh to Chicago for us to enjoy for my bday. This little pizzeria from Cornwall NY called Prima Pizza ships pizzas anywhere around the country- fresh (never frozen) and they arrive within 24 hours sealed in plastic inside a pizza box ready to eat. What an amazing gift that was for all of us!

my gift from joe- and another nice card... "a toolbag for a toolbag" thanks bud.
I bet joe a bit of money that he wouldn't take a big handful of icing that his mom had just made and eat it... Remind me not to make bets involving Joe and food... he did it and won.
Kaitlin was home for a few days... joe was friendly with her, as usual.
Lighting the candle- for my big first bday. ha.
Lucy was pretty thirsty
Their neighbor Joel has some of the most amazing toys Ive ever seen... this guy has a range rover for winter and a BMW M6 for summer... then he pulls this classic Nissan Z in mint condition in ALONG with a friggin beautiful BMW motorcycle... Im not jealous...
I figured it take a picture of our fleet of cars too... what you got now joel? Yeah, thats a 2001 explorer with a little lean to the right... and a GTI with roof racks- joe and I drive in style too.
O man- I know you are all dying to see more...
this is what i look like "at work"
The closet shelves are getting finished early this week- they are looking nice and will soon be finished with cherry plywood and glass shelves
Early in the week...
On Tuesday we put in the window- that was a fun step, especially because it was 70 on tuesday!
Joe changed his mind on the skylights so we re-framed them like this and then I was lucky enough to put up all the insulation... what an awful job that was, but im glad it is done.
Dave and joe getting ready to put the window in
What the room looks like now...
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