Monday, January 18, 2010

In the meantime...

I neglected to mention in my first posting that I want my blog to be mixed media. My mediocre writing + my photographs. So I hope that even if you can't get past all the grammatical errors in my writing, you can at least browse through and take a look at the pictures. I take great pleasure in photography and am often spotted toting my SLR around in my geeky backpack when I know there might be some good images to be captured...

I wanted to share a few that I shot last week while at a (long overdue) visit with my good friend Dan and his family at their incredibly welcoming, and cozy home in Highland Mills, NY. They have 5 amazing dogs all of which, I might add, are well behaved, so I had to take out the camera to capture a few shots of them in character... While outside I was also able to grab a few shots of Dan's Dad's Tea House... He has been building it, in an authentic fashion, for the past year. It blew my mind.
The tranquil tea house...

This sculpture was spotted while walking around back from the front of their house towards the tea house... A good desktop background, if you ask me.

And here are three of the dogs...
In the words of Kimmy Greenholtz "that perfect Golden Retriever over there, is Sadie..." I like to think that she is in a deep state of meditation here... (though in reality she was blinking her eyes after starring at a squirrel out the window for about 10 minutes)

I think this was Lucy... but ill have to confirm that with Dan. There are two of these little guys and they look a like.
And the boss, Sammie. He's just checkin things around the yard, making sure all is well.


Germain said...

You should take videos with your phone and upload them to YouTube, then post them here too. And link this shit to a twitter account so that when you post here, it also updates a twitter.

Carolina said...

yoooo...i can confirm that the second doggie is Lucy...her hair is curly & more brown where Sarge's is pretty straight & more grey haha. dan just gave me your link & here's a link to mine if you haven't checked it already:

also, there's a Facebook app called NetworkedBlogs (check it under my profile) that automatically updates your blog posts to FB. that way, you don't have to do it manually (in case you didn't know, b/c well, I didn't at first).

see you Friday suckaaaaaaa

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