Monday, February 8, 2010

The end of Blizzard 2010 (loosely) marks the BEGINNING of my journey...

Well.  We made it out alive.  Long story short- a few phone calls were made to the home owners association at the Woods Resort (which is where we were) which led to some exceptions in the plowing route, and 2 hours later I heard the rumbling of this beast coming to save us...
So my dad and I enjoyed our last meal at the cottage (thank god too because we were literally out of normal food at this point... our dinner would have been instant oatmeal, some peanuts, and some fruit... )

mmm, delicious grilled ham and cheese sandwiches on rye bread with chips... I was the chef for the entire trip- you should SEE the burgers I made.  haha.

This was a shot taken on our way out the door.
This is looking back from just behind where the car was towards the path I shoveled, and then the foot marks that got us the rest of the way back and forth -because if I had shoveled the rest I wouldn't be alive now to type this  (each foot of progress required three 12" scoops... and the bottom 12" was wet snow, it was great fun)
Our path out...
Overall, a good father-son trip... However, next time I hear that there might be a blizzard that will snow us in, I think we will head south.

Now then- Back to the story of my blog and my adventure that is soon to come.  Tomorrow's departure date has to be pushed back at least a day, but I anticipate Ill be busy right up until I pull out of the driveway.  Already this evening Ive pulled all my things from the various locations around my house and   arranged them all in either my room, or the living room... (see two images below)  My goal tomorrow is to pick up my car from the shop- put on my cargo bin and bike tray on the roof, and then get through allll my stuff- either putting it in (the newly organized and cleared out) garage, in my room, or in the pile of "things to take"  You are all about to see just how crazy organized I am... stay tuned for more in the next few days.


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