The snow stopped, and the plows came. It only wound up being about a foot (which after last weekend seems like a little dusting) so I am in good shape for a 730am departure tomorrow morning.
Shirts are folded...
Bags are packed. (neatly)
Room is in perfect order, in case I run out of money and need a clean, well lit place.
Closet is organized...

Luggage is waiting patiently in the garage for the sun to rise...

and at this point, Ive cleaned all the snow off the car and put a few things in the roof bin.
I've come a long way, and have yet to even begin the road trip. Up until now it has all felt like somewhat of a dream. DC ended abruptly and I left my friends in a rush. I got home to NY and really never slowed down. Now- with only 6 hours left until I leave, I feel a bit lost and confused, but also a tad excited. I'm really sad to leave everyone, both in DC and in NY, but I know what lies ahead will remind me why I thought to do this in the first place. Anyway, thanks for reading, whoever you are, because this blog has really helped me create at least one solid purpose for my trip, documentation. Next time I write, will most likely be from Libertyville Illinois... who thinks I can do 13 hours of driving in one day? Im not so sure... maybe my next post will be from some roach motel along the highway... ha.
Wish me luck!
Good Luck Dennis! I hope you didn't drive 13 hours today... I've seen the roads, and they're not pretty. Wishing you safe travels, and exceptional discoveries.
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