This trip, or adventure, or dare I say-my new life- is a bit different than I had anticipated- it isnt just a long weekend trip, and thus is all very new to me. I haven't been able to find that 'play' button since I left DC - so it's time for me to create a new one. Until now, I've mistakenly convinced myself that this is a temporary thing, and that when i get back 'home' I will be able to follow up with everyone and everything... well, the truth is, it might be a long time before I have a real home again. So Im going to have to learn to do everything I need to do from my temporary homes along the way.
My life here in Libertyville is far from roughing it and it isnt like Im in a tent without an internet connection, but due to the temporary nature of my stay here and all the excitement of things to come, I haven't really taken much time to break from the action in order to just take a step back, call my friends, call my family, and just see how everyone is doing. So today Ive taken the day off from everything and I've made a list. It is a list similar to one I made while sitting alone at Tonic (a bar in mount pleasant, DC) about three years ago- that has the names of all the important people in my life on it. If you are reading this- chances are- you are on the list. I am making it a priority to pick back up where I left off a few months ago and try my best to get back to being the friend I have always been to all of you. So I want to take this opportunity to apologize to those of you who feel like it has been all about me lately- I still care about how you are all doing and would love catch up and hear how you are doing.
Things are boiling down- Im coming to realize that this journey will have its highs and its lows, and that when I arrive someplace new, and am alone, it will be nice to have you all in the background to keep me company-( I should credit Jen here for saying this to me a few weeks back- though I foolishly didn't really get it and it wound up taking another friend reminding me for the idea to sink in) - I cant expect everyone to keep tabs on me when Im not keeping tabs on everyone else.
So- thanks for being there for me, reading my blog, and being excited for this new part of my life- I hope those of you who might have been feeling this way will accept my apology and give me a ring or send an email to tell me how you are doing and give me the update on you.
As for this past week- it was more of the same stuff. Construction, Gym, Construction, eating- with a single night in chicago with a friend from Monroe- which was a lot of fun. The project is coming along. The closet is just about done- I wired up all the new lights last week which was pretty exciting for me to have done, and we have the bathroom completely insulated, sub floor is up, we are ready for the new plumbing to go in before we start closing things in and doing our finish work... There is still a lot to do so I dont know when ill be leaving Libertyville, but at least the longer I wait- the warmer the trip will be and the nicer it will be in Seattle upon my arrival.
Here are just a few pictures- some from my camera, some from my phone, of a few things from the past week.
Just another day on Elm Court.
A sunny day in Chicago

Our hotel for the night- nice place.
The new ceiling of the bathroom- insulated- as seen from the attic. You know what ISNT fun? Getting fiberglass all over you. It felt good to finish that part of the project.

Closet with drywall up and new lights in the ceiling
The bathroom with the floor removed- current status.
Reinforced floor for supporting the new claw foot slipper tub (we estimated it to weigh about 1/3 of a ton when filled with water with a person in it)
Closet after taping and mudding. (Not gonna lie- we got a guy to help with this part- it is an art that neither joe, nor I know how to do very well) Remind me to tell you about this guy dave- he is hysterical.
Hey Den - the progress is looking good. I had no idea you were the craftsmen-sort (good to know for future reference...) Unlike some, I really enjoy the construction progress photos, but then again my favorite shows are Holmes on Homes and New Yankee Workshop...
Glad you got to get out and see a little bit of Chicago amidst all the construction. I'm thinking of heading to Chicago with Vin for NeoCon in June; I'm sure you'll be long gone by then.
Take care,
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