Recent (random) thought of mine- hopefully it needs no explanation:
during the quietest times in life, even a whisper catches your attention...
I figure, while I've got your attention, I might as well write about now, with pictures of course. And also write about something from the past- also with pictures. I have quite a lot of pictures (for those of you who dont know, I have somewhere in the ballpark of 70,000 pictures on my computer) so why not share some fun old stuff with everyone while the bathroom-closet project is going on.
So, this past week was slow. We are new to this, despite both Joe and my experience in the field, neither of us has ever run a project on our own from start to finish, and as a result we dont have everything planned out as well as we would like, resulting in a few hold ups here and there. Thankfully the learning is happening with Joe's family- not with a contractual client. Joe actually got asked by the receptionist at the plumbers office this week "is this your first time, hunny?" Funny story about that. Joe had dealt with all the correspondence for the plumbing contract, so his name was on the form that needed to be signed. He, however, thought that if he signed it he was responsible for the payment so he had his mom sign it and we faxed it over. Shortly thereafter we get a phone call from Debbie, the receptionist at the plumbers office. "Hi, is this Joe?- Joe responds "yes, this is he" "Hi joe, this is Debbie with the plumbers office- we just received your contract and I see that you didn't sign it but that it was signed by a Donna... is she... your.... (awkward pause....) um, is she your mom Joe?" Joe replies with a bit of a laugh in his voice..."Yes, Debbie, she is my mom..." he then proceeded to explain that him and I were doing this project for his parents, thinking of starting our own company, etc etc...trying to make it sound a bit more legitimate, she said that all sounded lovely - then asked him if "this was his first time..." in a very sweet, motherly kind of way... we (and by we, I mean I) got a good laugh out of that.
Though- in hindsight- debbie knew it was our first time because we planned this all wrong and some vital parts that we need for the plumbers to get started aren't schedule to arrive until Monday the 22nd... Oh Debbie- you know us too well.
So during our down time I helped rewire the pantry closet light to add a switch that turns the light on when you open the door and off when you close it- and then yesterday and today Arty and I installed two new exterior lights with all new wiring, switches, etc. It was quite the project. Tomorrow Joe and I start on the vanities- which we are custom building with the use of all joes fancy finish carpentry tools. (he just bought a tool called a Domino... I think you could perform heart surgery with this tool... if you are into tools at all- it is FESTOOL... apparently one of the best brands of tools in the world.
So here are this weeks pictures:
Measuring a length to cut downstairs on a rainy afternoon.
My new "business casual" dress code.

My new switch for the pantry door- such a cool thing, never need to think again, just open the door and the light comes on, close it, and it turns off.
The finished switch- built into the door frame.
New pantry light
Old window casing- we used paint stripper that smells like oranges, though without proper ventilation it got pretty rough to stand around it for too long. I believe this wood is over 100 years old- it is part of the original house.
Joe cutting a custom pantry closet door (a weekend project of his while we wait in the bathroom plumbing situation) with his Domino cutter.
This is the hole that the tool cuts- then you insert a domino (pictured below) to make the joint. It is for high end custom work- no nails needed.
FESTOOL products all come in well designed, stackable cases... very cool stuff. All made in Germany
This is the kit of Dominos that goes along with the tool.
Artsy picture...(side photography note)- for those of who you have ever wondered what aperture was, this picture can help to explain, it is taken at f1.8... if you look at your camera, chances are on the lens it says something like f4-5.6, or something similar, well anyway, this picture was taken with a 50mm lens that has a 1.8 maximum aperture, meaning a very wide aperture, and as a result, though joe is merely feet from the domino, I am able to get it in perfect clarity and him blurred in the background- so wider aperture (lower number) means less depth of field)

Tea time... Donna brought down both mine and joe's teas of choice along with some cookies for a mid afternoon snack. We might be contractors, but we have class. ha.
So then, if you have made it this far, into the depths of the blog and care to see some spring time memories from DC- check out the following images. Looking at these will forever remind me of one of the best time periods in my life thus far. The house I lived in, the neighborhood I lived in- and most of all- the neighbors, made my life in DC pretty close to perfect for a couple of years.
My old house... such an amazing place.
My old street... Newton Street, NW

Just another spring afternoon on the roof with the neighbors- Ryan (holding his beer) currently lives just outside of Rome, Italy with his beautiful wife Valentina. They are having a big Italian wedding ceremony in a few months!, Eve (with the tan hat on) currently lives in Liberia, Africa with her Fiance Mazen. Charlie (the cool guy with the shades, currently lives in San Francisco... and Ill be visiting him on my way up to seattle. Liz (with the baseball hat on) currently lives in Philadelphia... starting to get an idea why it was my time to leave DC?
These two are probably the best two people in the world. This is Lee and Rachel Cain.. they just moved out of Mt Pleasant up to Silver Spring, MD and had a BEAUTIFUL baby girl, McCamy... I miss all my DC friends, but I really miss these two a lot and wish I could have gotten a chance to meet McCamy before I left. I know it is hard to believe, but just being around these two tends to make people smile, no kidding.
These are a few pics from a little band we used to call "Mermaids in T-Shirts..." Cool name, I know.
no idea what he was saying here
singing something... im sure it sounded awesome. ha

Lee makes this face in most pictures- or some variation of it.
We had some amazing jam sessions in Lee's basement- such good times. Wish I had these guys around with to now so I didnt have to play my guitar alone in my room!!
Well, thats it... though, again, if you have made it this far, you at least should see a picture of Lee and Rachel's baby!
Until next week.
McCamy Cain.
Nice morter and tenon joint, great work so far.
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